Na Aana Is Des Laado is a drama serial that deliberate on the troubles faced by women in a male-dominant world. Set in the rural vicinity of India, it tells the story of Ammaji - the influential matriarch of a village who believes that women are a bane to the society. However, Ammaji has two granddaughters - Dia and Jhanvi who believe in female liberation. Watch the battle between regressive civilization and progressive values unfold, keeping viewers hooked on to the serial.
Naa Aana Is Des Laado Full Episode 9th May 2012
Na Aana Is Des Laado is a drama serial that deliberate on the troubles faced by women in a male-dominant world. Set in the rural vicinity of India, it tells the story of Ammaji - the influential matriarch of a village who believes that women are a bane to the society. However, Ammaji has two granddaughters - Dia and Jhanvi who believe in female liberation. Watch the battle between regressive civilization and progressive values unfold, keeping viewers hooked on to the serial.
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